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Gladiator Free Download writers David Franzoni DVD9 english subt

Gladiator writers David Franzoni DVD9 english subtitle



Release date 2000; user rating 8,9 / 10 star; writed by David Franzoni, John Logan; genre Drama; Resume A dying Marcus Aurelius plans to name his loyal and brave General Maximus as his successor in order to restore the power of the Roman Senate. However, his power-hungry, jealous son Commodus learns of the plan, murders Marcus Aurelius, and plans to execute Maximus in order to secure his claim to the throne. Maximus escapes execution, but is sold into slavery and is forced to become a gladiator. Eventually, Maximus and his fellow gladiators are sent to Rome to perform for Commodus. Through his bravery he wins over the masses and reveals his true identity, much to the chagrin of Commodus. Can Maximus use his newfound popularity to avenge Marcus Aurelius" death, or will Commodus be able to keep the throne?; casts Joaquin Phoenix

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317 despondent souls. Hans Zimmer = Fcking genius. What we do in life, echoes in eternity. 2020 and we still listening. 5:11 move out. Yes sire. There was a dream that was Rome. As much as I love Time, I still think this is the single best piece composed by Zimmer. Remind me of my passed father when he gazes and sees his family. Beautiful. You have to see the deleted scene where the emperor has the son of the head pretorians killed to understand why he was denied another sword ??. The opening gives me the chills every time. My name is Fatimus Decimus I"ll have my vengeance on this pasty or the next. Honestly I was looking forward to the battle of 300.


I hated him in Gladiator but i was rong i love him now. Over three years ago I lost my beloved wife,friend,soulmate. My heart aches everyday. When I hear this music it brings tears to my eyes because I know she is waiting for me with open arms, only to fill my empty heart with her previous love that I so dearly miss. God give me the patience to wait because I will always feel broken until that day comes. In the meantime, music such as this gives me some peace and a sense of calm. This is the most satisfying video somebody would ever watch. I"ve got ocean wave ambiance playing and this. Actually seems like it complements the music. You both waited until I was alone. He he he he he ge.

Welcome you all in 2020... He"s a soldier of Rome. Honor him. He fought for freedom of his companion. I used to think that Commodus was Joe from Blues Clues. Who else watched this in history class. 4:23 and 3:43 the warriors chanting is actually taken from a 1964 movie called zulu. Greetings from Italy. Whatever happened to you, Mr. Crowe? YOU SIR, are THE GLADIATOR and THE MASTER & COMMANDER! Please get BACK into shape.

Man Code Regulations Section 3: 5) P) ii) states that it is perfectly acceptable to cry at the end of this movie. This law also applies to Field of Dreams, Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Rudy, Dead Poet"s Society, Good Will Hunting and Saving Private Ryan. 3:42 hardly tried to avoid a spear coming at him without losing eye contact with Hector and casually strolls into the temple Hector - Nah bruh Paris give the girl back. Kids cry after Endgame, Men cry after Gladiator.




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